
Sunday, February 19, 2012

OSA's LTPD link

The OSA has a link to access their information on Long Term Player Development.  The "Parents Frequently Asked Questions" section is very well done.  Check it out.

The questions I am fielding about LTPD are incredible.  Some are informed and detailed questions, but others are rooted in conspiracy theories and deep suspicion.  I am not sure why, but that's what I am finding.

The biggest surprise for me are new Canadians who are involved in soccer who start every sentence with "Back in my country...".  Well, this is what they are doing back in your country, we just had to give it a name so it could be implemented.

People are wary of change and that's understandable.   Here is what everybody can agree on:
  1. Coaches of entry level players are unsure of what to do with these young players.
  2. A lot of player quit soccer by the time they are 14 years old.  
  3. The path to the top level of play is confusing, and being made moreso by the arrival of more independent leagues.
  4. For the number of players we have playing the game, we aren't very good at it on a national level, nor do we produce many professionals.