
Friday, February 10, 2012

U13 Tryouts - Feb 9 - last session

Thursday was our last session for the U13 tryouts.  A lot of kids dropped out from the fall sessions so we've moved ourselves to the point where we are determining who will be on the first and second teams. 

An NHL scout told me that when you give a player enough looks, they start to realize where they fit in and cut themselves in their mind.  The news should not be a surprise.

Last night we just let them play.  We had a few boys missing for other commitments so there was more room on the field and more time to play.  We had them on the field in 2.5 minute shifts and took a break of 3 minutes halfway through to get everybody back on the same page.

Surprisingly the intensity and pace of the game was high right to the end.  As a fan, it was entertaining to watch.

We post the lists noon on Saturday.